Mariette Maarschalk

Mariette Maarschalk

Mariette (Huysamer) Maarschalk was born in the Western Cape in 1965, but grew up in Johannesburg. In 2000 she and her family relocated to the Southern Cape, where they still reside on the farm Vaalkranz in the Mossel Bay district.

Most of her paintings reflect her own experiences in environments that she knows well, and understands – Vlees Bay seascapes, Overberg landscapes, Klaserie Private National Park wildlife/landscapes and portraits of family/friends. In 2015 her portrait of her mentor, Spies Venter, was selected as one of the top 100 of the Sanlam National Portrait Award.

In an honest, positive manner, she aspires to convey to the viewer her intense experience of colour, texture, light and shade with oil paint brush strokes on canvas.

She tries to convey to the viewer something of her perspective on life, and of her unique experience of it. She considers the process involved in the creation of an art work as important as the final product, because this process contributes significantly to its meaning. Thus different levels of meaning can be discerned by the perspective art lover, and she wants her work to challenge the viewer to interpretations that go beyond the purely superficial and decorative.

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